Passive Income (USA Commercial Property) Fund
ARSN 155 770 095
Distribution Reinvestment Authority Declaration
In opting in to participate in the Passive Income (USA Commercial Property) Fund’s (“US Fund“) ARSN 155 770 095 distribution reinvestment authority to acquire units in the Strategic Opportunities (Growth & Income) Fund ARSN 668 357 837 (“SOGIF“):
- I/we declare that I/we have the capacity and power to complete this Agreement.
- I/we acknowledge that I/we have read and understood SOGIF’s Target Market Determination.
- I/we acknowledge that I/we have read and understood SOGIF’s Product Disclosure Statement.
- I/we agree to be bound by the terms of the Constitution of the SOGIF (as amended from time to time).
- I/we declare all details given in this Agreement are true and correct.
- I/we authorise the Responsible Entity to apply the specified percentage of my/our distributions from my/our US Fund account to my/our SOGIF account on my/our behalf as consideration for the issue of ordinary units in the SOGIF.
- I/we declare that in completing this agreement, the only information and representations provided by the Responsible Entity in respect of SOGIF are those contained in the SOGIF Product Disclosure Statement.
- If signed under power of attorney, I/we declare I am, or we are, authorised under a power of attorney to sign this agreement, that no notice of revocation of that power has been received and I/we are not aware of any circumstance that would affect my/our power to act under that authority.
- I/we declare that I/we must first have completed and lodged a SOGIF application form, and the Responsible Entity must have accepted my/our application and issued a SOGIF ID in respect of that application, before any distributions from the US Fund can be applied to the issue of units in SOGIF.
- I/we understand and agree that the Responsible Entity has absolute discretion to reject my/our application for investment of distributions from the US Fund to SOGIF, without having to give any reason.
- I/we understand that none of the Responsible Entity or its related entities, directors or officers guarantees the performance of, the repayment of capital, or income invested in, the SOGIF.
- I/we acknowledge that fees and costs may be deducted from the distributions made from the US Fund to SOGIF in accordance with the terms and conditions of the US Fund and the SOGIF respectively.
- I/we acknowledge and accept that all investments are subject to risks and the value of my/our investment in the SOGIF may rise or fall.
- I/we understand that this agreement does not create a relationship of employment, agency, partnership or joint venture between me/us and the Responsible Entity.
- I/we understand and agree that the Responsible Entity may act in accordance with any instruction provided by me/us and is not liable for any act or omission in reliance with that communication.
- I/we understand and agree that, to the extent limited by law, the Responsible Entity is not liable for any loss arising out of, or in connection with, any act or omission in performance of the authority provided under this agreement.