Individuals (incl. Beneficial Owners / Controlling Persons)

Relevant if you are applying in the name of an individual, or joint individuals, or as an adult on behalf of a minor.


Please have the following information on hand:

  • Full name*; AND
  • Residential* (not PO Box) address; AND
  • Date of Birth*

Plus, if you are applying as a sole trader…

  • Main place of business address (not a PO Box); AND
  • Business name; AND
  • ABN (if you have one)

* These fields will need to be verified.


You can either verify your identify online in real time, or you can upload certified documents.

Online Verification

Online verification is the safest and fastest method of verification and does not require any uploading of documents.

Please have the following on hand (if you have them):

  • Passport
  • Australian driver’s licence
  • Medicare card

Uploaded identity verification

  • Certified Passport
  • Certified Driver’s Licence
  • Certified Birth Certificate


Presently minors cannot verify online and will need to upload their certified identification, which is either:

  • Certified Passport, if one exists; or
  • Certified Birth Certificate

General Advice Warning: This information is of a general nature only and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider the PDS issued by Plantation Capital Limited ACN 133 678 029 AFSL 339481 in deciding whether to acquire an interest in the Strategic Opportunities (Growth & Income) Fund. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. No earnings estimates are made.