What Is The Fund’s Fee Structure?

The Fund’s fee structure is outlined in detail in Section 9 of its Product Disclosure Statement (“PDS”).

Here is a summary for easy reference. No fees are invoiced directly to an investor, they are either deducted from the investment amount (which reduces the amount applied to unit allotment), or paid by the Fund (and impact the value of the investor’s unitholding). The fees below are inclusive of GST.

Fee Amount (incl. GST) Paid By
Ongoing fees and costs
Recurring management fee

General management fee for
fund management services
provided regardless of

Nil The Responsible Entity does not charge an ongoing fund management fee.
Recovery of recurring administration and other costs

An estimate of the amount of
annual costs for administering
and operating the Fund, including
expense recoveries.

Up to 0.935% Paid by the Fund when a recoverable administration cost is incurred.
Once-off inefficient asset
acquisition feeThe fee payable when an
inefficient asset is acquired.
Up to 2.2% of an inefficient asset’s contract purchase price. Paid by the Fund to the Responsible Entity when the purchase of an inefficient asset is settled.
Once-off inefficient asset
disposal feeThe fee payable when an
inefficient asset is sold.
Up to 2.2% of an inefficient asset’s contract sales price. Paid by the Fund to the Responsible Entity when the sale of an inefficient asset is settled.
Performance fee

Amounts deducted from your
investment in relation to the
performance of the product.

11% of the first 10%* of Fund performance, and 22% of Fund performance thereafter.
* On an annualised basis.
Calculated at the end of each month and paid by the Fund to the Responsible Entity.
Transaction Costs

The costs incurred by the scheme
when buying or selling assets.

Estimated to be up to 2.98% of the assets acquired in the portfolio. Transaction costs are variable and paid by the Fund to the Responsible Entity as they are incurred, then included in the Unit issue price and Unit redemption price.
Member activity related fees and costs (fees for services or when your money moves in or out of the scheme)
Establishment Fee

The fee to open your investment.

Nil Not applicable.
Contribution Fee

The fee on each amount contributed
to your investment.

Up to 2.2% Calculated and paid to the Responsible Entity from an Investor’s application money prior to the issue of units.
Buy-Sell Spread

An amount deducted from your
investment representing costs
incurred in transactions by the

Nil Not applicable.
Withdrawal Fee

The fee paid to process each
redemption request.

$55 Paid to the Responsible Entity from from an Investor’s redemption money prior to transfer.
Exit Fee

The fee to close your investment.

Nil Not applicable.
Switching Fee

The fee for changing investment

Nil Not applicable.



General Advice Warning: This information is of a general nature only and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider the PDS issued by Plantation Capital Limited ACN 133 678 029 AFSL 339481 in deciding whether to acquire an interest in the Strategic Opportunities (Growth & Income) Fund. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. No earnings estimates are made.