Deciding to purchase units in the Fund should be seen as a medium to long term investment (i.e. 5 to 10 years).
If you invest for shorter periods of time then you may find the initial costs (e.g. contribution fees, etc.), and the difference between the Fund’s issue price and the redemption price (caused because estimated disposal transaction costs are fed into the redemption price) will act as a drag on your return on investment.
Note that the Fund does not expect to offer a redemption opportunity until after 31 December 2024. Thereafter it is expected that the Fund will offer a twice-yearly redemption, the details and workings thereof are outlined in the Fund’s Product Disclosure Statement.
There is not expected to be any opportunity to sell or dispose of your units outside of the redemption windows, except if you transfer your units privately. Any unit transfer must be approved by the Responsible Entity and the normal application rules and processes will apply.